front office
young students



Bletchley Park Primary School is a local intake school.  An eligible child whose place of residence is within the intake area is guaranteed enrolment in the compulsory years of primary schooling (Pre Primary to Year 6).  

An Application for Enrolment should be completed and submitted with a copy of the child's birth certificate, immunisation certificate and proof of address.  Students born overseas should also present a passport, visa and citizenship documentation.

To determine what year level your child is eligible to enrol in please refer to the School Year Group Table

Application for Enrolment

Enrolment Policy

Application for Enrolment Form

Local Area Intake Map 

Information for Families 

Enrolment Application Process

Applications for enrolment can either be downloaded from our website or a hard copy collected from the front office.

Once completed please submit to Administration along with the required verification documents as outlined in the Enrolment Policy

The following supporting documentation must be provided

Please contact the school on 9234 6400 if you wish for further clarification.





School Calendar