Our Chaplain
School Chaplain - May Wong
Bletchley Park PS has a new school chaplain, Mrs May Wong, who is working each Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Mrs Wong is employed by Youthcare and forms part of the BPPS Student Services Team. She is able to provide social and emotional support to students and members of the wider school community. In the future Mrs Wong will be running the Seasons for Growth program, which is similar to the Rainbows Program run by previous chaplains to support students with family change, especially those students experiencing grief and loss.
At BPPS the Chaplain provides non-religious support to all families, regardless of their faith. Students can be referred to the chaplain by their parents, teachers and even the students themselves. We work on an opt-out system at Bletchley Park PS. Please contact the school office if you have concerns about your child seeing the chaplain. This can be done by email, bletchleypark.ps@education.wa.edu.au, or by writing via the school office.
If parents wish to contact Mrs Wong to refer their children, her email address is May.Wong@youthcare.org.au.